Creative Direction, Digital Design, Storytelling


I mostly write on Medium, and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including Time, Readers Digest, The New York Times.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.

I write. Sometimes.

I mostly publish on Medium (i'm an editor at The Agency, The UX Blog, and The Lighthouse), and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including QUARTZ, Readers Digest, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Lifehacker, time magazine.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.


Parachuting into Experience Design.

Let’s assume you’ve just decided to wander onto the magical world of Design and Experience. Perhaps without knowing, you’ve been already exploring this territory, unaware of certain key points that can finesse you onto the true potential of what this practice can do for you, or your business.

To figure out where you are and what design can do for you, I’ll try to break down this complex topic into an unreasonably short piece. With my apologies to fellow designers for the brutal (and perhaps dangerous) simplicity of my writing, here we go!

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