Creative Direction, Digital Design, Storytelling


I mostly write on Medium, and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including Time, Readers Digest, The New York Times.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.

I write. Sometimes.

I mostly publish on Medium (i'm an editor at The Agency, The UX Blog, and The Lighthouse), and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including QUARTZ, Readers Digest, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Lifehacker, time magazine.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.


Chinese traditions: Meeting your girlfriend's family

As an expat living in China, I get a big dose of culture shock from time to time. Dealing with the ups and downs of this wonderful country, I often find myself in middle of situations that I can’t fully understand until I dive deep in them.

Despite the fun in our relationship (here is her tumblr blog), we hit cultural barriers from time to time. We try to climb the obstacles, meet halfway through the problem, and try to find a way to overcome it. Of course, I didn’t realize that this trick was not going to work for what happened next.

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