Creative Direction, Digital Design, Storytelling


I mostly write on Medium, and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including Time, Readers Digest, The New York Times.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.

I write. Sometimes.

I mostly publish on Medium (i'm an editor at The Agency, The UX Blog, and The Lighthouse), and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including QUARTZ, Readers Digest, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Lifehacker, time magazine.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.


Can UX help you to find the perfect Christmas Gift?

  1. Hick’s Law says that the more choices you have, the more time you will spend trying to decide. This is particularly evident when we’re out there IRL trying to shop for a gift.
  2. My wife’s law says that I suck at buying gifts of any kind.

So, what happens when you have abundance of choice, and terrible taste for buying gifts? If you’re like me, you are fully aware of the consequences of it, yet you somehow don’t give a crap. But, don’t worry. I’ve been in such deep troubles for buying idiotic gifts, that I’m now in a good position to give you valuable advise, in the good-old format of ‘7 tips to buy the perfect gift’.

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