Creative Direction, Digital Design, Storytelling


I mostly write on Medium, and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including Time, Readers Digest, The New York Times.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.

I write. Sometimes.

I mostly publish on Medium (i'm an editor at The Agency, The UX Blog, and The Lighthouse), and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including QUARTZ, Readers Digest, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Lifehacker, time magazine.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.


Managing Creatives: The design tourists

In these series of articles, I’m trying to illustrate the point by splitting a designer’s professional journey into five phases. Every designer (formal or self taught) has experienced this journey in one way or another. Each phase has its own level of knowledge, subjectivity and objectivity applied to the designers’ craft. Each one of these phases is important for you to understand how most designers think.

This is where most designers thrive with early signs of professionalism. This is when they start getting small freelance gigs or when they start their first official job. They are full of positive energy and love creating things with passion and dedication. Some of them might collect gadgets, some others some toys. Some of them might be very well dressed and quiet, while others might be artsy/urban/alternative in their style choices. Whatever the case may be, you can feel these design tourists are full of unique potential, power and energy. There is no doubt that they are the source of energy in small teams.