Creative Direction, Digital Design, Storytelling


I mostly write on Medium, and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including Time, Readers Digest, The New York Times.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.

I write. Sometimes.

I mostly publish on Medium (i'm an editor at The Agency, The UX Blog, and The Lighthouse), and I've been syndicated in over 35 publications, including QUARTZ, Readers Digest, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Lifehacker, time magazine.

Here is a short collection of my favorite pieces.


Everything I've learned in 15 years, explained in one short post.

The first thing I ask when I first meet someone is: Tell me about what you do.

After years of learnings and conversations with lots of talented people, I've come to a general conclusion: More knowledgeable (and often very successful) people give simpler answers when asked about what they do. Answers filled with wonderful, straightforward and accurate stories of what they do, and how they do it. Some of them even go further and tell me why they do it.

It's an incredible distillation of what they've become best at. It also gives me a glimpse onto some factors and motivations that drive their success, which is a tremendous source of wisdom.

So, after many years of conversations, introductions, handshakes, and some beer-infused talks, here is a collection of learnings that I've rephrased myself, hoping to allow their simplicity to tell a bigger story than long-paragraphs of definitions.

Read the rest at LinkedIn.